U.F.O. Sightings - Canberra ( A.C.T.)

448 17 Feb 1990 Canberra ACT Photo 0515hrs

Mr Zoran Ivanisevic went outside into his backyard and noted an unusual, soundless object in the morning sky. It was at a low elevation in the east. He fetched his video camera and took some video. The video, which appeared on national television, shows a bright, white light. Then follows a second segment showing it as an almost round object with a hole in the centre and two "bites" out of the top and bottom. Investigations revealed it to be Venus. (John Jensen, Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke.)

016 Prior to 1953 Canberra ACT NL

TAA pilot Gordon Savage and First Officer F.E. Hastilow sighted a very powerful bright white light to the east of their aircraft. At fifteen second intervals it changed to red. Savage climbed the plane to 1600m for a better look. Savage later believed they had been observing the planet Venus but Hastilow disagreed. ("Australasian Post" Dec 31 1953. p10.)

241 1974 Canberra ACT CE4

Two young women felt compelled to get into their car which then drove itself to a certain spot. They were escorted by a brilliant white light source. Vague human shapes were seen as well as strange noises heard. There was an episode of "missing time" involved. (Investigation by Bill Chalker. Deleterious effects on Heather, one of the percipients, meant that the incident was not able to be fully researched.)

Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.

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